Three hurt when shotgun discharges at North Carolina gun show Posted: 19 Jan 2013 03:44 PM PST Three people including a retired sheriff's deputy were wounded on Saturday at a gun show in North Carolina when a 12-gauge shotgun accidentally discharged as its owner was taking it out of its case, state officials said. The incident comes as the country debates gun control and the rights of gun owners after a man armed with an assault rifle killed 20 first graders and six adults last month at an elementary school in Connecticut - the deadliest of a string of U.S. shooting sprees last year. ...
Crowds descend on Washington to be part of inauguration weekend Posted: 19 Jan 2013 01:29 PM PST Tim Engelskirchen and his brother Daniel had no idea what they were getting into when they responded to a Craigslist ad seeking workers to hawk political buttons at the Democratic National Convention last summer. The ad took the Charlotte, N.C. residents on an unexpected five-month journey chasing presidential candidates across the country. On [...]
23 hostages killed after Algerian forces storm natural gas complex Posted: 19 Jan 2013 03:13 PM PST In a bloody finale, Algerian special forces stormed a natural gas complex in the Sahara desert on Saturday to end a standoff with Islamist extremists that left at least 23 hostages dead and killed all 32 militants involved, the Algerian government said.
Unknown Sandburg poem found in university archive Posted: 19 Jan 2013 02:00 PM PST A poem by the late writer Carl Sandburg that appears to have been previously unknown has turned up in the archives of the University of Illinois.
Rallies assail Obama's proposed gun curbs Posted: 19 Jan 2013 02:51 PM PST Pro-gun activists plan rallies in 49 states at "high noon" on Saturday to support the right to own firearms they say is under attack from President Barack Obama's proposals to reduce gun violence. The rallies, to be held mostly at state capitals, were being organized by a group called Guns Across America that was launched by Texas airline pilot Eric Reed. The U.S. debate over gun control flared in mid-December when a man killed 20 first graders and six adults in a matter of minutes at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, using an assault rifle. ...
Inauguration weekend kicks off with National Day of Service Posted: 19 Jan 2013 10:10 AM PST "You guys ready to kick off this day of doing a whole bunch of good?!" Tommy McFly, a spry Washington, D.C. radio host, is looking over a few hundred volunteers gathered beneath a massive heated tent that stretches for a block on the National Mall, the hub of the National Day of Service, [...]
Future of Wash., Colo. pot farming still uncertain Posted: 19 Jan 2013 01:22 PM PST Irrigation canals line Washington's Yakima Valley east of the Cascade Range, transforming a desert landscape into one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world — including crops for some of America's biggest vices.
Singer Randy Travis reaches plea deal in assault case: TV Posted: 19 Jan 2013 01:34 PM PST Country music singer Randy Travis has reached a plea agreement in a misdemeanor assault case arising from an altercation last summer in a Texas church parking lot, KTVT-TV reported on Saturday. The Grammy winner will serve 90 days of deferred adjudication under a plea he entered on Friday in a municipal court in Plano, a Dallas suburb, the CBS-affiliated station in Dallas/Forth Worth reported. Deferred adjudication lets a defendant plead "guilty" or "no contest" in exchange for meeting requirements such as probation during the period. ...
What Obama needs to say in his inaugural address Posted: 19 Jan 2013 08:34 AM PST As an orator, Barack Obama has always been a modern-day Cicero. His eloquence seems disconnected from a call to action.
Hall of Famer manager Earl Weaver dies at 82 Posted: 19 Jan 2013 09:03 AM PST Major League Baseball lost a legend Saturday morning with the news that former Baltimore Orioles manager and Hall of Famer Earl Weaver died at age 82. reported that Weaver apparently suffered a heart attack while attending an Orioles fantasy … Continue reading →
Syria used non-lethal chemical weapons, Le Monde says Posted: 19 Jan 2013 02:22 PM PST Syrian forces used non-lethal chemical weapons against rebels in the town of Homs in late December, according to intelligence service sources cited by French daily Le Monde on Saturday. The weapons were used in four rockets fired on December 23, according to unnamed sources in Western intelligence services cited by the newspaper. Le Monde suggested Western powers played down an isolated event in the hope it would not be repeated. ...
Va. killer shows bits of humanity before execution Posted: 19 Jan 2013 07:10 AM PST He gave a nod and a wink before he sat down in the electric chair, then he uttered two statements as contradictory as the man himself: a Gaelic expletive and "God bless."
Obama eyes a legacy: 'You can make it if you try' Posted: 19 Jan 2013 05:32 AM PST Presidential terms are measured by sweeping laws and stirring events, but legacies are about enduring ideas. The one Barack Obama has in mind will drive most everything he tries to do in the next four years: assuring that America is a place where anyone can make it.
Latest inaugural forecast: Bit warmer than in 2009 Posted: 19 Jan 2013 10:59 AM PST WASHINGTON (AP) — Consider it the first fact check of a Barack Obama campaign pledge for his second term: Will he, or Mother Nature, deliver on promised warmer Inauguration Day weather?
Syrian foreign minister calls on rebels to disarm and negotiate Posted: 19 Jan 2013 01:22 PM PST Syria's foreign minister has invited the country's rebels to lay down their weapons and take part in a dialogue conference, saying everyone who participates will be included in a new Cabinet with wide executive powers.
Iran courts restart of nuke talks, but snubs U.N. Posted: 19 Jan 2013 11:07 AM PST DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Iran has floated specific dates for reopening talks with the U.S. and other world powers about its nuclear program. At the same time, Tehran has left U.N. nuclear inspectors empty-handed when it comes to addressing Western suspicions that it's conducting tests related to nuclear weapons.
Marines studying mindfulness-based training Posted: 19 Jan 2013 11:32 AM PST The U.S. Marine Corps, known for turning out some of the military's toughest warriors, is studying how to make its troops even tougher through meditative practices, yoga-type stretching and exercises based on mindfulness.
Mexico City pushes for order with parking meters Posted: 19 Jan 2013 03:17 PM PST Every day before dawn, dozens of men appear in the Mexican capital's hip Condesa neighborhood and block off parking spaces along entire streets using water jugs, cardboard boxes, buckets, crates and even blocks of cement.
France, Africa seeks support for regional Mali force Posted: 19 Jan 2013 01:07 PM PST France called on Saturday on other world powers to commit money and logistical support for African armies readying their troops to join French soldiers already battling al Qaeda-linked militants in Mali. The appeal came as African leaders met in Ivory Coast where they are expected to agree details of a regional mission that is due to take over from French forces but is short on financing, planning and even ammunition. France has deployed ground troops and its war planes have bombed a rebel column, halting an Islamist advance. ...
Celestial wonder looks uncannily like a manatee Posted: 19 Jan 2013 06:45 AM PST A watery-looking nebula in deep space is being renamed after the sea creature it strongly resembles: a manatee.
3-D sonar provides new view of Civil War shipwreck Posted: 19 Jan 2013 09:36 AM PST GALVESTON, Texas (AP) — The remains of the only U.S. Navy ship sunk in the Gulf of Mexico during Civil War combat now can be seen in 3-D sonar images from the Gulf's murky depths, revealing details such as a shell hole that may have been among the ship's fatal wounds.
Stopping child labor: There's an app for that Posted: 19 Jan 2013 06:00 AM PST Kids at stoplights offering to wipe a windshield for a few coins, or little ones hawking goods at produce markets: In much of the developing world, it's common to see children as young as eight or nine hard at work. |
NYC subway shoving suspect: 'I was having a bad day' Posted: 19 Jan 2013 07:03 AM PST A disturbed woman accused of shoving a man in front of a New York City subway train to his death last month says she did it because she was having a bad day. |
Big party for Democrats, quiet reflection for GOP Posted: 19 Jan 2013 05:05 AM PST For many Republicans, this is a good weekend to get away from it all. With hundreds of thousands of Democrats traveling to nation's capital for President Barack Obama's inauguration activities, Republicans and supporters of last fall's GOP presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, are leaving town, or staying put and trying to avoid the crowds.