Pompeo: Iran responsible for attack on oil tankers in Gulf of Oman Posted: 14 Jun 2019 05:40 AM PDT Two oil tankers near the Strait of Hormuz were attacked Thursday, which left one ablaze and adrift as sailors were evacuated from both.
Memphis Man Killed in Police Shooting That Sparked Violent Protests Was Wanted for Assault, Robbery, Authorities Say Posted: 14 Jun 2019 12:04 PM PDT "This was a violent felon who did not obviously want to go jail and they ended up, from my knowledge, doing what they had to do to not only protect themselves but to protect other people around them in the neighborhood."
Beto O'Rourke backs slavery reparations in South Carolina campaign stop Posted: 14 Jun 2019 03:40 PM PDT Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke kicked off a campaign swing through South Carolina on Friday by pledging support for reparations for descendants of slaves and addressing climate change at a town hall with members of the Gullah Geechee Nation. The Gullah Geechee are African-American descendants of slaves living in coastal, island and low-lying inland areas of South Carolina and Georgia who speak an English-Creole language. The Tabernacle Baptist Church where the town hall was held is in an area vulnerable to hurricanes, flooding and other weather events exacerbated by climate change.
China probes FedEx after Huawei parcels misrouted Posted: 14 Jun 2019 09:16 AM PDT China on Friday launched an investigation into FedEx for "failing to deliver express packages" to the correct addresses in the country, state media said, after the US delivery service misrouted some Huawei parcels. FedEx apologised earlier this month for the delivery mishap after Chinese telecoms giant Huawei said it was reviewing its ties with the package service over the incident. The US delivery firm said at the time that "no external parties requested that FedEx transfer these packages".
How the AH-64 Apache Became the Ultimate Attack Helicopter Posted: 15 Jun 2019 03:00 AM PDT Early in the morning of January 17, 1991, eight sleek helicopters bristling with missiles swooped low over the sands of the An Nafud desert in as they soared towards the border separating Saudi Arabia from Iraq.At 2:30 a.m., the choppers fanned out and set to work in teams of two. Rocket motors flashed as Hellfire missiles streaked towards two Iraqi radars powerful enough to potentially pick up the faint signature of a stealth plane.Minutes after the radars had been reduced to rubble, Nighthawk stealth jets soared through the twenty-mile-wide radar gap, headed for Baghdad. But the Army's Apache attack helicopter aviators they had struck first to "kick down the door" for the Nighthawks.Nearly three decades later, the Apache's status as the world's premier attack helicopter remains largely unchallenged, and the type continues to see extensive action in the Middle East and in demand in countries as diverse as the UK, Egypt, India and Taiwan. Undeniably, the threats faced by the $35 million armored attack helicopter, which can pack as many as sixteen tank-busting missiles under its stub wings.
The Latest: Mexico migrant agency chief presents resignation Posted: 14 Jun 2019 12:10 PM PDT Mexico's National Migration Institute says its top official has presented his resignation to the president. The institute said Friday in a brief statement that Tonatiuh Guillén thanked President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for the opportunity to serve the country. The agency did not say why Guillén was stepping down.
Father's Day 2019: Paganism, roses and how the campaign to celebrate dads was won Posted: 14 Jun 2019 11:29 PM PDT Father's Day, the official calendar date to honour our wonderful dads and celebrate fatherhood, is just around the corner. Recognised each June, the day sees children around the world present their dads with cards and gifts as a thank you for all they do. But when did the first observance of Father's Day take place and who helped establish the annual celebration of paternal figures? From the history behind the celebration, to the more recent commercialisation, here is everything you need to know about Father's Day. When is Father's Day 2019? Father's Day is held every year on the third Sunday of June; this year Father's Day falls on Sunday, June 16 in the UK. Typically, fathers are showered with cards and presents on Father's Day, with some families celebrating together by going on days out. Younger children also tend to make handmade gifts for their fathers at school and extracurricular clubs, including drawings, paintings or cards. As society and family structures have changed, some people now celebrate their stepfathers on Father's Day. In recent years there have been calls for a Stepfather's Day, however no such day has been officially discussed or introduced. Father's Day falls on June 16 this year Credit: E+ The history of Father's Day The first events in recognition of fatherhood took place in the US and followed Anna Jarvis' first celebration of Mother's Day in 1908, as well as the earlier observations of Mothering Sunday in the UK. Grace Golden Clayton, from Fairmont, West Virginia, was the woman behind the first event to celebrate fathers in 1908. Just over a year prior to this event, the Monongah Mining Disaster took place in December 1907, with the explosion killing 361 men. Of these fatalities, 250 were fathers. In honour of the one thousand children who lost their fathers, Clayton encouraged her pastor, Rev. Robert Thomas Webb, to hold a service at the Williams Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church South. Clayton missed her own father terribly, after he passed away in 1896, so she chose to honour the lives lost on July 5, 1908, the closest date to his birthday. While Clayton was responsible for the first recognition of fatherhood and the paternal bond, her work didn't directly encourage the creation of Father's Day. The memorial service was never promoted outside the town of Fairmont and the service was overshadowed by the significant Independence Day celebrations held a day beforehand. Yet the idea was also picked up on in the following year, when Sonora Smart Dodd started her quest to honour fathers in the same way as mothers. Dodd, born in Arkansas in 1882, was one of six children and at the age of seven, she moved to Washington with her family. When she was 16 years old, her mother, Ellen Victoria Cheek Smart, died after giving birth to her sixth child, leaving her father, William Jackson Smart, a farmer and Civil War veteran, as a single parent. After listening to a Mother's Day sermon at the Central Methodist Episcopal Church in 1909, Dodd felt that fathers deserved equal recognition. With the local YMCA and the Ministerial Association of Spokane, Dodd began a campaign to have the day officially recognised. The first such 'Father's Day' was held at the YMCA in Spokane on June 19, 1910, with a number of towns and cities across America later following suit. Support for Father's Day quickly increased throughout the US and in 1924 President Calvin Coolidge pressured state governments to mark the celebration. President Lyndon Johnson issued the first presidential proclamation honouring fathers in 1966, making the third Sunday in June Father's Day. Six years later President Richard Nixon signed it into law, establishing the day as a national holiday – though in the UK it does not enjoy this status. The move came after a campaign by a number of public figures, including Senator Margaret Chase Smith, who in 1957 wrote to Congress: "Either we honour both our parents, mother and father, or let us desist from honouring either one. "But to single out just one of our two parents and omit the other is the most grievous insult imaginable." Dodd's message later spread to other countries across the globe and it is thought that Britain began celebrating Father's Day after World War II. Today, the celebration of fathers has become an important commercial event for high street shops and online retailers, with promotions for the best gifts and cards appearing in the build up to the day each year. Father's Day around the world While in the UK fathers can expect, at best, breakfast in bed and handmade card and, at worst, the day to be completely ignored, elsewhere the festival is done a little differently. In Germany, Father's Day is called Vatertag with it also being referred to as Männertag, which means men's day. The celebration falls on the Thursday 40 days after Easter. In certain regions it is traditional for groups of men to go into the woods with a wagon of beer, wines and meats. Heavy drinking is common and, according to official statistics, traffic-related accidents spike on this day. In Australia, Father's Day falls on the first Sunday of September, which is their first Sunday of Spring, while in Croatia, they observe Roman Catholic tradition and celebrate fathers on March 19, Saint Joseph's Day. In China, Father's Day used to be celebrated on August 8 as the Chinese for eight is "ba", while a colloquial word for father is "ba-ba" – so the eighth day of the eighth month sounds similar to "daddy". The day has since been moved to the third Sunday of June, in line with the UK and US. In France, the day was introduced in 1949 for commercial reasons by lighter manufacturer Flaminaire. Inspired by the US' day of celebration, they created a new advert with the slogan 'Nos papas nous l'ont dit, pour la fête des pères, ils désirent tous un Flaminaire' ('Our fathers told us, for father's day, they all want a Flaminaire'). Three years later an official decree was made to recognise the day. Most countries celebrate Father's Day on the third Sunday in June including the UK, USA, Mexico, Ireland, France, Greece, China and Japan. However not all countries celebrate it then. In Brazil, Father's Day falls on the second Sunday of August and this day was chosen in honour of Saint Joachim, the patron saint of fathers. According to Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox traditions, Joachim was the father of Mary, the mother of Jesus. The ultimate films on fatherhood Father's Day tales and traditions Some pagans suggest that Father's Day is closely linked to the Pagan Sun worship, because the sun is thought to be the father of the universe and the celebration of dads falls closely to the summer solstice. Roses are the official flower of Father's Day, with people previously wearing them to church on this date. While this tradition is rarely seen today, sons and daughters used to wear either a red rose in admiration of a living father or a white rose in memory of a deceased father. Sonora Smart Dodd, the founder of Father's Day, selected this flower and it is said that during the early celebrations, she handed out roses to home-bound fathers, while on a horse-drawn carriage ride around the city. Father's Day gifts and presents From cutesy cards, socks and ties to luxurious watches and fantastic car experiences, Britons present their paternal figures with an array of unique gifts on Father's Day. But, demand for the perfect Father's Day present has led to the increasing commercialisation of the day, with retailers competing to offer the best gifts and consumers heading to their high street shops and online retailers. According to MuchNeeded, Father's Day is a popular shopping day in both the UK and US, with 75 per cent of men expected to celebrate the occasion this year. While Britons and Americans spend a significant amount on Father's Day each year, on average it only accounts for half the spending around Mother's Day. Is it Father's Day, Fathers' Day or Fathers Day? Ah, the age old question. The answer? Many say Father's Day is the correct version. Mother's Day (which has the apostrophe before the 's') set the precedent while Father's Day was still gaining popularity. Anna Jarvis trademarked the term 'Mother's Day' – with the apostrophe before the 's' – in 1912, saying the word should 'be a singular possessive, for each family to honour its own mother, not a plural possessive commemorating all mothers in the world'. President Woodrow Wilson used this spelling when he formalised Mother's Day in 1914; this means the correct version of the word is spelled with the apostrophe before the 's'. Father's Day has followed suit, with cards on both sides of the pond including the apostrophe in the same place.
Iran tanker attack: Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo should follow Ronald Reagan's lead Posted: 14 Jun 2019 09:01 AM PDT During the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, the Reagan administration faced off a spate of tanker attacks with targeted military force and smart diplomacy.
Body of Young Girl Believed to Be From India Found in Remote Arizona Wilderness Near U.S. Border Posted: 13 Jun 2019 05:42 PM PDT Officials believe she and four others were dropped near the border by smugglers
GLOBAL MARKETS-China data, Gulf tensions see bond yields slip, stocks suffer Posted: 14 Jun 2019 04:46 AM PDT World stocks struggled and safe haven bets were back in play on Friday with German bond yields plumbing record lows as Chinese data rekindled woes about the health of the global economy and fears of a new U.S.-Iran confrontation intensified. Data from Beijing painted a fairly gloomy picture of the world's second largest economy as the trade war with the United States starts to bite. May industrial output growth slowed to a more than 17-year low, well below expectations, while fixed-asset investment also fell short of forecasts.
If Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Is a Right, Let’s Have Guns for All Posted: 14 Jun 2019 03:30 AM PDT The mainstream Democratic position on abortion has devolved in just two decades from "Safe, legal, and rare" to "Yee-haw!"Second Amendment advocates surely have noticed.Former vice president Joe Biden's recent gyrations on the Hyde amendment confirm how deeply even a shopworn politician like him must bow to today's Democrat orthodoxy on abortion. As Biden learned, it's not enough simply to favor abortion. This epic baby-killing now must be financed by federal taxpayers.The late congressman Henry Hyde's legislation has been a "settled amendment" in every federal budget since 1976. The Illinois Republican's measure prohibited the use of federal taxpayer dollars to finance abortions, except in cases of rape, incest, or life-threatening pregnancies.Like an Olympic gymnast, Biden flip-flop-flipped on the Hyde amendment — from supporting it since its introduction; to telling an ACLU volunteer in South Carolina "it can't stay" on May 8; to supporting Hyde on June 5; and back to opposing it June 6. Wobbles aside, Biden eventually pegged the landing: "I can no longer support an amendment that makes that [abortion] right dependent on someone's ZIP code."Biden finally stands where all Democratic presidential contenders must, to avoid the Donkey party's volcanic, socialist rage: Abortion is A-okay until the moment a baby exits the womb, and taxpayers must sponsor it, at least for the poor.Today's Democrats believe that every individual right demands a corresponding taxpayer-funded freebie. That impulse triggers this modest proposal:Guns for All!Every American has a Second Amendment right to own a gun, but not everyone can afford one.A Smith & Wesson .38 Special revolver runs $280. For workers making the $7.25 minimum wage, this equals nearly 39 hours of earnings. That's almost a whole work week, just for a basic firearm. Unfair!Those who seek the persuasiveness of a Glock pistol must pay $600 each. That costs a minimum-wage employee 83 hours of labor (more than two 40-hour weeks). Or she simply could sacrifice 150 McDonald's Big Macs, 129 Starbucks chai lattes, or 46 plates of fettucine Alfredo at Olive Garden. And the reassurance of a Ruger AR-556 "assault rifle" costs $700. This approximates three weeks' rent on the average one-bedroom U.S. apartment.Nobody should have to choose among firearms, food, or shelter. Likewise, the ability to buy a gun shouldn't be dependent on someone's ZIP code.So, say it loud, say it proud: Guns for All!Congress immediately should allocate $563.8 million as an initial act of basic solidarity with the non-arms-owning public. This amount parallels Planned Parenthood's taxpayer subsidies and reimbursements for its fiscal year 2018.This private organization has enjoyed federal dollars despite the 7.6 million abortions that it has perpetrated between 1973's Roe v. Wade decision and 2017, Life News reports. Last year, it aborted another 332,757 unborn Americans — the most since 2012. Planned Parenthood Federation of America president Leana Wen, M.D., considers abortion part of "our core mission."While you spend five minutes reading this op-ed, Planned Parenthood will whack three more babies.An equivalent $563.8 million federal grant to the National Rifle Association would help this private organization furnish weapons to low-income Americans who yearn to enjoy their constitutional right to keep and bear arms and invoice taxpayers to exercise that right.It's only fair: If Democrats want to kill the Hyde amendment and stick pro-life taxpayers with the tab for the constitutionally protected abortions that the Left loves so much, then Republicans should enact Guns for All and force pro-gun-control taxpayers to underwrite the constitutionally protected firearms that the Right loves so much.On second thought, let's try this:Democrats should keep their sticky fingers off the Hyde amendment, and Republicans should ignore Guns for All as an idea whose time has not come. Instead, this simple concept should enjoy bipartisan support: If you want an abortion or a gun, pay for it yourself.Michael Malarkey contributed research to this opinion piece.
Brand new Chase rewards card gets you 50,000 bonus points and Marriott perks Posted: 13 Jun 2019 08:37 PM PDT BGR has partnered with The Points Guy for our coverage of credit card products. BGR and The Points Guy may receive a commission from card issuers.Applications have now opened for Marriott's new co-branded card with Chase, the Marriott Bonvoy Bold Credit Card, which is noteworthy both for the benefits it offers as well as what it leaves out. But also for the fact that this is the two companies' first co-branded card with which you can avoid an annual fee, which of course is always a plus.Let's dive into the specifics of this new Bonvoy Bold card, which comes with many of the same features as existing Bonvoy card products, albeit with some important exceptions. Also, we should note right off the bat: Not everyone will be eligible for this card.The headline reward that's dominating Internet coverage of the card is the 50,000 Marriott Bonvoy points you get after spending at least $2,000 within the first three months of card ownership. Using the valuation of 0.8 cents for each Marriott point as calculated by The Points Guy, that makes the card's bonus worth $400. Not impressive, but not bad, either.We say not impressive, because that bonus is not as generous as what's offered from some other Marriott Bonvoy products, like those that were available with the launch of the Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant™ American Express® Card or the Marriott Bonvoy Business™ American Express® Card. And we mention the point about not everyone being eligible for this new card because it's also restricted by Chase's 5/24 rule.As a reminder, that rule basically says you can't be approved for the card if you've opened five or more credit cards in the last 24 months, no matter the card issuer.Some other points to be aware of:If you currently have or have held the Marriott Bonvoy American Express® Card (also known as the old Starwood Preferred Guest® Credit Card from American Express) within the past 30 days, you can't get the Bonvoy Bold's new cardmember bonus. The same is true if you're a current or previous cardmember of either the Marriott Bonvoy Business Amex (also known as the old Starwood Preferred Guest® Business Credit Card from American Express) or Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant Amex (also known as the old Starwood Preferred Guest® American Express Luxury Card), and if you received a new cardmember bonus or upgrade bonus sometime in the last 24 months.Finally, you're likewise not eligible if you were approved for the Marriott Bonvoy Business Amex or the Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant Amex within the last 90 days.Of the three Marriott-branded credit cards with annual fees, you'll earn more points with them for every dollar you spend. The Bonvoy Bold, however, will only earn you 3x points per dollar spent at participating Marriott hotels and 2x points on other travel purchases, which includes things like airlines, hotels, motels, timeshares, car rental agencies, cruise lines, travel agencies, discount travel sites and the like. On everything else, you'll earn 1x.You do get Marriott Bonvoy Silver status with this card once you receive 15 elite night credits in a calendar year, and even though this is a no annual fee card it's also got some solid travel and protection benefits like trip delay reimbursement, plus baggage delay insurance and lost luggage reimbursement. Additionally, you'll have purchase protection against damage or theft for up to 120 days, as well as round-the-clock access to Visa Signature® Concierge services. The Final WordSo is this the right card for you? That depends in part on whether you're a frequent traveler and if you're looking for simply an entry-level rewards card that doesn't come with an annual fee. One that doesn't have the top-tier perks but still offers some decent rewards for being a Marriott Bonvoy loyalty program member. If you do prefer higher points in popular spending categories, as well as a more robust amount of perks, one card you might consider instead is the Wells Fargo Propel American Express® Card, because the new Marriott Bonvoy Bold will work for many people, but not everyone.
HK VP9: The 9mm Pistol That Is Better Than a Glock 19? Posted: 15 Jun 2019 02:30 AM PDT If there's anything you need to know about the company Heckler & Koch, it's that they are pretty much synonymous with quality firearms that are in service with military, law enforcement units, and civilians all over the world.And if you know anything about Heckler & Koch, then you should have heard about the HK VP9 9mm pistol, which was first released to the general market in 2014.Today, the HK VP9 competes with other handguns such as the CZ P10C, Glock 19, and the Walther PPQ. So yes, it is 'just another striker fired 9mm pistol' on the market.But nonetheless, in many ways the HK VP9 is a very unique offering, and we'll cover the reasons why in this review.History of the HK VP9
Off-duty LAPD officer opened fire in deadly Corona Costco shooting, police say Posted: 15 Jun 2019 12:58 PM PDT An off-duty Los Angeles police officer fired his gun during a deadly shooting at a Costco Wholesale store in Corona Friday night, police said Saturday.
The Latest: Activists say shelving bill is not enough Posted: 15 Jun 2019 09:17 AM PDT China's Foreign Ministry spokesman has expressed support for Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam after she shelved an unpopular bill backed by Beijing. As Hong Kong's highest-ranking local official, Lam suspended the legislation indefinitely after massive protests. Geng said Hong Kong residents still enjoyed "rights and freedoms" guaranteed when Beijing took control of the former British colony in 1997.
Trump interview: President says he would 'absolutely' report foreign campaign intelligence amid massive outcry from election officials Posted: 14 Jun 2019 08:31 AM PDT Donald Trump – amid massive outrage and a public scolding by election officials – has reversed course and said he would report any information provided by a foreign country to the FBI. He insisted, however, he would have to read it to know whether it was "bad".Following widespread criticism and dismay after the president said he would accept foreign-sourced information if it could help his 2020 reelection bid, he said he thought he had made clear he would inform the authorities."Of course, you have to look at it…but of course, you give it to the FBI or report it to the attorney general or somebody like that," Mr Trump said, during a live phone interview with Fox News's Fox and Friends, one of his favourite shows. "You couldn't have that happen with our country, and everybody understands that."He added: "If I thought anything was incorrect or badly stated, I'd report it to the attorney general, the FBI. I'd report it to law enforcement, absolutely."Earlier this week, in an interview with ABC News, the president said he would accept damaging information about an opponent if it was provided by a foreign nation – something in breach of election laws."I think you might want to listen, there isn't anything wrong with listening," he said."If somebody called from a country, Norway, [and said] 'we have information on your opponent' – oh, I think I'd want to hear it."He added: "If I thought there was something wrong, I'd go maybe to the FBI – if I thought there was something wrong."On Thursday, the chair of the Federal Election Commission issued a rare public rebuke, apparently in response to the president's comments, although without naming him."Let me make something 100 per cent clear to the American public and anyone running for public office," Ellen Weintraub said on Twitter."It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a US election."Earlier this year, special counsel Robert Mueller, completed a two-year investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign.Mr Mueller probe found no evidence of a conspiracy between Moscow and the president's team, although he detailed numerous interactions. On the question of obstruction of justice, Mr Mueller was unable to exonerate the president. Attorney general William Barr decided there was insufficient evidence to charge Mr Trump.
Avon doubles scholarship program for young women Posted: 14 Jun 2019 05:12 AM PDT Beauty giant Avon is championing education for youngsters this year by funding almost 200 scholarships. The brand's Avon Foundation has doubled the funding for its 'Global Scholarship Programme', which aims to facilitate educational opportunities for its beauty representatives and their children and grandchildren, boosting the amount it invests from $200,000 to over $400,000. The program, which was launched in 2012, gives participants the chance to benefit from scholarships in 25 different countries.
UPDATE 1-China launches inquiry into FedEx parcel delivery errors - Xinhua Posted: 14 Jun 2019 03:55 AM PDT Chinese authorities have launched an investigation into FedEx Corp over parcels delivered to the wrong addresses, China's official Xinhua news agency reported on Friday. FedEx did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Xinhua previously reported that China would investigate whether FedEx damaged the legal rights and interests of its clients after Huawei Technologies Co Ltd said this month the U.S. company diverted parcels destined for the Chinese firm's addresses in Asia to the United States.
Plane skids off runway at Newark Airport; Flights resume with delays Posted: 15 Jun 2019 02:42 PM PDT A plane skidded off the runway at Newark Airport, causing major delays, the FAA confirmed.
US considers more options for detaining transgender migrants Posted: 13 Jun 2019 06:33 PM PDT The players, all clad in different colored jumpsuits, are transgender women awaiting the outcome of their cases while in the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is considering opening a second permanent facility where transgender migrants can be detained amid the influx of Central Americans crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. While transgender migrants represent a small fraction of those in federal custody, their numbers have grown exponentially.
The Next-Gen 2021 Nissan Rogue Compact SUV Looks Bigger and Boxier Posted: 14 Jun 2019 09:06 AM PDT With new styling and revised underpinnings, this redesigned crossover should go on sale sometime in 2020.
EU says 'Russian sources' tried to undermine European vote Posted: 14 Jun 2019 06:57 AM PDT EU officials said Friday that "Russian sources" stepped up a long-running disinformation campaign against the European Union in a bid to undermine the bloc's elections last month. The sources used fake social media accounts, bots and news sites to amplify existing divisive content by targeting particular groups of voters and countries, Security Commissioner Julian King said. "The number of disinformation cases attributed to Russian sources ... doubled as compared to the same period a year ago," King said, highlighting a report by European Commission investigators.
2020 Vision: The Democratic debate stage is set — both of them Posted: 14 Jun 2019 11:05 AM PDT Night one features Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker and Beto O'Rourke; night two includes Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg.
US STOCKS-Wall St to open lower on Broadcom warning, Chinese gloom Posted: 14 Jun 2019 05:58 AM PDT Wall Street was set to drop at the open on Friday, as the long-feared hit to global growth from President Donald Trump's trade war crystallized in slashed sales forecast from chipmaker Broadcom, and more signs of slowdown in Chinese industry. Shares of Broadcom Inc plunged 8.6% in premarket trading after it cut its revenue forecast for 2019 by $2 billion, blaming the U.S.-China trade conflict and export curbs on Huawei Technologies Co Ltd. Data from China showed industrial output growth in the world's second largest economy slowed to a more than 17-year low in May, sending a chill through stock market investors globally.
A Smart Buyer’s Guide to Light Bulbs Posted: 14 Jun 2019 06:00 AM PDT See if a simple incandescent or WiFi-enabled smart bulb is the perfect pick for you.
UPDATE 2-Syria state TV says wildfires spark explosion in army ammo depot west of Damascus Posted: 15 Jun 2019 01:08 PM PDT An explosion on Saturday in a Syrian ammunition depot in a military zone west of the capital was caused by wildfires, state television reported. Israel, which sees Iran as a threat to its existence, has said it had carried out hundreds of attacks in Syria on Iranian targets, including those of allied militia such as Lebanon's Hezbollah, in the past several years. Israel is trying to counter the influence carved out in Syria by Iran, which has supported Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the war that erupted in 2011.
View 2019 GMC Sierra 1500 Photos Posted: 14 Jun 2019 10:00 AM PDT |
Tesla’s Solar Roof is incredibly sleek… and incredibly expensive Posted: 14 Jun 2019 03:04 PM PDT Beyond selling cars, it's no secret that Tesla's overarching goal is to change the way the world uses and generates electricity. Hardly a well-kept secret, Elon Musk explained as much during the second iteration of Tesla's master plan."The point of all this," Musk wrote back in 2016, "was, and remains, accelerating the advent of sustainable energy, so that we can imagine far into the future and life is still good.""By definition," Musk went on to explain, "we must at some point achieve a sustainable energy economy or we will run out of fossil fuels to burn and civilization will collapse."In light of that, it wasn't all that surprising when Tesla in 2016 purchased SolarCity for nearly $2.7 billion. One year later, Tesla opened up orders for solar roof tiles designed to convert sunlight into electricity. Now without question, the solar roof tiles Tesla sells look incredibly sleek and are essentially indistinguishable from a regular roof. Price wise, though, Tesla's solar roof tiles leave much to be desired.Tackling this issue, Electrek relays some interesting information about a quote a prospective customer was given about installing a solar roof.> For a 9.45 kW system on a 1,862 square foot roof, Tesla is charging $64,634 for the solar roof, along with $10,050 for a Powerwall, and another $10,630 for roof and site repairs.> > It adds up to a shocking total of $85,314 for the entire solar roof system and work.> > The solar roof alone adds up to almost $35 per square foot, which is much higher than the $21.85 price Tesla first guided for the product.The report does make a point of noting that the roof in quest boasted a dense number of solar cells which likely added to the cost. Incidentally, Musk noted during a recent shareholder meeting that the company's next-gen Solar Roof will be priced about the same as a "shingle roof plus someone's utility cost" or even lower.
7 Kitchen Remodel Ideas on a Budget Posted: 14 Jun 2019 01:45 PM PDT -- Change the paint color. One of the simplest projects to transform any room is to change the paint color on the walls. "If your appliances are white -- or they used to be white but now they're taupe -- you might want to think about spending your money there," says Leneiva Head, owner of Welcome Home Realty, a real estate management company in Nashville, Tennessee.
Costco shooting: Authorities responding to reports of shots fired at Costco in Corona Posted: 14 Jun 2019 10:11 PM PDT A shooting has been reported at a Costco Wholesale store in Corona on Friday.
Trump says he'd 'of course' tell FBI if he gets foreign dirt Posted: 14 Jun 2019 01:41 PM PDT President Donald Trump shifted gears Friday on election interference, saying "of course" he would go to the FBI or the attorney general if a foreign power offered him dirt about an opponent. "Of course, you have to look at it," Trump said during a birthday appearance on "Fox and Friends." He added: "But of course, you give it to the FBI or report it to the attorney general or somebody like that. "OK, let's put yourself in a position: You're a congressman, somebody comes up and says, 'Hey I have information on your opponent.' Do you call the FBI?
Alpine adds 292hp A110S to lightweight sports car range Posted: 14 Jun 2019 05:25 AM PDT Ahead of this year's 24 Hours of Le Mans -- which kicks off Saturday, June 15 -- Renault has unveiled its new Alpine A110S, a super-sporty version of its A110, which stands out with its power, its specific chassis and its refined design elements. The Alpine A110S adds to the Alpine lineup alongside the A110 Pure and Légende models. Several modifications have been made to the chassis, with an aluminum structure, lowered ride height, retuned springs and antiroll bars, plus wider tires.
More worry for China as industrial growth disappoints Posted: 14 Jun 2019 01:37 AM PDT China's economy showed further signs of weakness last month, with industrial output posting its slowest growth in 17 years, placing further pressure on the government as it tries to steady the ship while battling a trade war with the US. Retail sales actually beat expectations, rising 8.6 percent year-on-year in May, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said on Friday. Beijing has rolled out huge tax cuts and other measures this year to try to blunt the impact of a trade war, which has seen the US impose tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars worth of Chinese goods, causing worries for exporters.
New Toyota Cars Will Automatically Go into Park and Shut the Engine Off Posted: 14 Jun 2019 09:00 AM PDT Starting with the 2020 model year, Toyota is implementing two new safety features on many of its models.
Iran renews nuclear pact ultimatum amid tensions with U.S. Posted: 15 Jun 2019 12:49 AM PDT Iran will continue scaling back compliance with a nuclear deal unless other signatories to the pact show "positive signals", the Iranian president said on Saturday as tensions with the United States escalated over tanker attacks in the Gulf region. Iran stopped complying in May with some commitments in the 2015 nuclear deal that was agreed with global powers, after the United States unilaterally withdrew from the accord in 2018 and ratcheted up sanctions on Tehran. "Obviously, Iran cannot stick to this agreement unilaterally," President Hassan Rouhani told Russian, Chinese and other Asian leaders at a conference in Tajikistan.
Floyd Furniture at West Elm, Plus 4 More Clever Finds Posted: 14 Jun 2019 05:00 AM PDT A roundup of what we've been reading and needing this week
Required Minimum Distribution Mistakes to Avoid Posted: 14 Jun 2019 09:43 AM PDT Traditional retirement accounts are tax-deferred, not tax-free. As baby boomers turn 70, they must soon begin mandated withdrawals and pay the taxes on the money they tucked into retirement accounts over several decades. A required minimum distribution is the amount retirement account owners must withdraw from their IRAs and 401(k)s each year.
Nissan considers giving Renault some seats on oversight committees - source Posted: 14 Jun 2019 07:12 PM PDT Nissan Motor Co is considering giving its alliance partner Renault SA some seats on planned oversight committees after the French automaker expressed discontent with the envisioned governance reform, a source said. The two-decade-old partnership of Nissan and Renault was plunged into a crisis earlier this week, as the French automaker's demand for a greater say in Nissan's new governance system drew rare public censure by the Japanese firm. Renault, which owns 43.4% of the Japanese firm, signaled it would block Nissan from formally adopting an overhauled governance structure at a June 25 shareholder meeting - unless Renault received representation on new Nissan committees.
Sarah Sanders leaving White House job, returning to Arkansas Posted: 14 Jun 2019 03:20 AM PDT White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, whose tenure was marked by a breakdown in regular press briefings and questions about the administration's credibility, as well as her own, will leave her post at the end of the month, President Donald Trump announced. Trump said Thursday he's encouraging her to run for governor when she returns home to Arkansas, where her father once held the job. Sanders is one of Trump's closest and most trusted White House aides and one of the few remaining who worked on his campaign, taking on the job of advocating for and defending a president who had his own unconventional ideas about how to conduct the people's business.
Apple could launch up to 7 new laptops later this year Posted: 14 Jun 2019 07:54 AM PDT This week MacRumors spotted that Apple recently registered seven unreleased Mac notebooks in the EEC database, suggesting that refreshed MacBooks and MacBook Airs are on the way. On the heels of the release of refreshed MacBooks Pros in May, MacRumors reported on Thursday that Apple registered seven unknown devices with the Eurasian Economic Commission that are likely updated MacBooks and MacBook Airs.
The Hyundai Sonata's Complete History Visualized, from 1986 to Today Posted: 14 Jun 2019 07:01 PM PDT |
Pressure mounts on Hong Kong leader over extradition plan Posted: 14 Jun 2019 06:12 AM PDT Hong Kong's embattled leader faced mounting pressure on Friday to abandon a deeply unpopular plan to allow extraditions to China, with protest organisers getting police go-ahead to hold a new rally at the weekend. The international finance hub was rocked by the worst political violence since its 1997 handover to China on Wednesday as tens of thousands of protesters were dispersed by riot police firing tear gas and rubber bullets. The city's pro-Beijing leader Carrie Lam has so far refused to meet protester demands to withdraw or scrap the bill -- although rumours were swirling Friday that a postponement of the bill was imminent amid a growing chorus of discontent.
Check Out the Navy's F-35C (In Beast Mode with Hypersonic Weapons) Posted: 14 Jun 2019 07:00 PM PDT The F-35As the Air Force in May 2019 deployed to the Middle East for operations targeting Islamic State in Iraq and Syria frequently fly in beast mode. Islamic State forces lack significant air defenses.The U.S. military could hang more weapons under the wings of its F-35 stealth fighters.(This article originally appeared earlier this year.)Lockheed Martin, which assembles the single-engine, radar-evading jets, in early May 2019 revealed a concept for a hypersonic surface-to-air missile that's compatible with the U.S. Navy's F-35C.Lockheed for years has been working with the U.S. Air Force and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to develop the Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept hypersonic missile. "HAWC, which has so far been under development as a land-attack weapon, is set to fly for the first time before the end of the year," Joe Trevithick reported at The War Zone.> The artist's conception of an F-35C firing a HAWC derivative first appeared at the Navy League's annual Sea, Air, Space convention just outside of Washington, D.C., on May 6, 2019. The rendering shows the stealth aircraft configured to carry two of these weapons externally, one under each wing. ....