Varying views on what ‘pro-life’ means Posted: 27 Jan 2017 03:05 PM PST Almost a week after the Women's March, thousands of anti-abortion supporters came to D.C. to attend the annual March for Life.
Zuckerberg slams Trump's immigration order Posted: 27 Jan 2017 02:10 PM PST Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg posted a status update slamming President Trump's decision to sign executive orders on immigration.
Worry voiced on Holocaust Remembrance Day Posted: 27 Jan 2017 06:58 AM PST The U.N. secretary-general spotlights a "deeply troubling rise in extremism, xenophobia, racism, and anti-Muslim hatred."
Trump signs 'new vetting' immigration order Posted: 27 Jan 2017 03:27 PM PST The president says his latest executive order is aimed at keeping "radical Islamic terrorists" out of the United States.
Trump signs 'new vetting' immigration order Posted: 27 Jan 2017 05:17 PM PST The president says his latest executive order is aimed at keeping "radical Islamic terrorists" out of the United States.
Trump's split personality on trade Posted: 27 Jan 2017 11:50 AM PST Despite his background as a businessman, the president's threats have unnerved economists and corporate leaders.
Trump noncommittal on Russia sanctions Posted: 27 Jan 2017 11:41 AM PST At a meeting with British PM Theresa May, he declines to say whether he'll ease penalties imposed for the invasion of Ukraine.
Muslim airline employee attacked at JFK Posted: 27 Jan 2017 01:15 PM PST Rabeeya Khan, who was working in a Delta lounge, says she was assaulted by a man who yelled "Trump is here now."
Pence first VP to speak at March for Life Posted: 27 Jan 2017 10:22 AM PST Mike Pence is the first vice president to speak at the giant annual antiabortion gathering in Washington D.C.
How Trump voters are responding to wall plan Posted: 27 Jan 2017 08:28 AM PST The multibillion-dollar price tag isn't a concern to those who are just glad to see the president following through on his promise.
The future of Roe v. Wade in the Trump era Posted: 27 Jan 2017 07:19 AM PST Even if President Trump picks a conservative judge to the Supreme Court, it may not be enough to overturn the landmark decision.
Booker: Trump's a 'liar' using 'propaganda' Posted: 27 Jan 2017 07:40 AM PST "I don't understand why the media is treating Donald Trump with such kid gloves," Sen. Cory Booker said.
Nikki Haley's blunt vow: 'We're taking names' Posted: 27 Jan 2017 08:15 AM PST The ex-South Carolina governor delivers a stern warning to opponents of Trump's policies in her first remarks at the U.N.
Russia passes controversial domestic abuse law Posted: 27 Jan 2017 03:58 AM PST Soon it will no longer be a crime in Russia to beat family members — as long as you don't cause bodily harm.
Trump to Hannity: ‘SNL,’ ISIS are bad Posted: 26 Jan 2017 08:30 PM PST The hour-long interview was filled with Trump's uniquely revealing locutions.
What happens to 'DREAMers' under Trump? Posted: 27 Jan 2017 03:52 AM PST There are signs that he may be backing off a vow to end deportation relief for young undocumented immigrants.
The Trumps: All-in-the-family government Posted: 27 Jan 2017 03:58 AM PST Donald Trump's family is expected to play an unprecedented role in his presidency, both formally and informally.
Kremlin says Putin-Trump call planned for weekend Posted: 27 Jan 2017 07:10 AM PST The two leaders plan to speak by telephone for the first time since Trump became president.
Report: Trump told official to dispute crowd pics Posted: 26 Jan 2017 07:25 PM PST The president called the acting director of the National Park Service to produce additional photos of the crowds at the National Mall.
Trump's probe of unproven voter fraud delayed Posted: 26 Jan 2017 04:52 PM PST The president had been expected to sign an executive order to commission an investigation, but the action was postponed.